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Canvey Island Infant School & Nursery

Learning is a journey, not a destination

Letters to parents

Midday Assistant Job


From September 2024 - every day in term time - 11.45am - 1.15pm. If you are interested, please call into the school office for an application form.


Thank you


Mrs C Kiln

Office Manager

Monday 15th July 2024 - late start

School Class Photos

The photographer has asked us to remind you that the deadline for ordering the class photo is tomorrow Friday 28th June 2024.


Many Thanks


Mrs C Kiln

Office Manager

PTFA newsletter - amended

Heatwave warning letter

Lunch menu from 10th June 2024

Beach Schools - June 2024

Penalty Notices - new version - August 2024

Parent Survey - May 2024

Beach Schools - Reception Year 2024

SCARF workshop - PSHE training

New temp dinner menu for after Easter 2024

April 2024 letter

School Craft Fayre

Temporary dinner menu for the next 3 weeks

Easter Egg raffle 2024

World Book Day menu - Thursday 7.03.24

PTFA - Mother's Day Gift & Wrap

March 2024 letter

PSHE/RSE letter & questionnaire

February 2024 from Mrs Dorrington

Special Dinner Menu on Tuesday 6th February 2024

Measles letter

Parent Survey about Wraparound Care

School meals letter - Dec 2023

Online Safety Training for Parents - The 2 Johns

December 2023 letter

End of Term - Dec 2023

Dear Parents,

Just a quick note to let you know that, on the last day of term, the whole school will gather on the playground at 3pm to sing some Christmas songs.

As the PTFA will also be selling hot chocolate, donuts and cookies, I hope that you will be able to join us.


Kind regards

Mrs Sandra Dorrington


Parking Issues - Letter from the Headteacher

Children in Need Day - Friday 17th November 2023


Non uniform  - children are invited to wear spots to school and make a donation to help us to raise lots of money for needy children across the country. We will be attempting Joe Wicks' challenge for each class to complete 1000 Bearpees across the day. We are hoping to exceed last year's donations of £240, and look forward to seeing lots of spots in school on Friday.

November 2023 letter

Flu Spray Immunisations Information

October 2023 letter

Beach Schools - Oct 2023

Key Stage 1 - Reading at home

Nut Allergies

As we have several pupils in our school who are allergic to nuts, we need to request that you do not give your child any nut-based food for their lunches. This includes peanut butter, chocolate spread and nutella, as this could result in a serious reaction for these pupils. There are occasions when the children have to go into different classes to eat their lunch, and therefore this has to be a whole school issue.

Thank you for supporting the welfare of all our children. 

Mrs C Kiln

Office Manager

September 2023 - welcome back letter - new version -amendments for Year 2 & Reception pupils

September 2023 - Welcome back letter

RACC letter - Sept 2023

End of Year Letter 2023

Dylan Vincent - 18.10.06 - 12.06.22

Free Summer Camps 2023 - more information

Free Summer Clubs from Deanes 2023

July letter to parents 2023

Nursery - Miss Davies leaving

Summer Fete 2023 - PTFA Donation Request

School Uniform - Penn Sports

Parent Survey 2023

Tea towel order to celebrate the King's Coronation 


Please remember to return your order as soon as possible - so that you will receive the tea towel before the end of term - the tea towels cost £3.50 each.


Thank you


Mrs C Kiln

Office Manager

May 2023 letter from Mrs Dorrington

Fun Day - Saturday 24th June 2023

Walk to School Day - June 14th 2023

Parent Survey 2023

April letter to parents 2023

Height, Weight & Vision check ups for Reception pupils 2023

Book Fair 2023

Year 1 - Beach letter

Mother's Day Gifts 2023

Strike Action - March 2023

Book Fair 2023

Class 6 arrangements

Book Week & Dressing Up Day

Closure of Breakfast & After School Club - Multi-Active

Hadleigh Park Cycles - Reception Year

Home Learning letter - January 2023

January 2023 from Mrs Dorrington

Class 1 arrangements 2023

Breakfast & After School Club - Multi Active Club

Class 1 arrangements - January 2023

December letter 2022 from Mrs Dorrington

Year 1 - walk to the beach

Maths Workshop information

Road Safety letter to Reception Year parents

PTFA Newsletter - Autumn 2022

Children in Need 2022 letter

November 2022 letter from Mrs Dorrington

Pebbles nursery - sponsor letter & form

Poppy Sales.

Poppies are now on sale in our school. If your child would like to buy a poppy , it is a voluntary donation - if they wish to buy one of the extra items, please send your child into school with £1.00.


Mrs Dorrington has held an assembly about Poppy Day, and has shown the children all the extra items on sale.


Thank you.

Sponsored event - fitness - for Reception, Years 1 & 2

Diary dates letter 2022 - 2023

AGM for PTFA 2022

Flu Immunisations 2022


Please return your form electronically to the nurses by Friday 23rd September 2022 - if you would prefer to complete a paper copy - please call into the school office.


Thank you.

Bank Holiday - Monday 19th September 2022

Breakfast & After School Clubs

Class 1 arrangements

Welcome letter to Reception pupils - Sept 2022

Welcome letter tp Pebbles nursery pupils - Sept 2022

September welcome back letter from Mrs Dorrington

Year 2 Leaver's Disco 2022 - due to the extreme weather conditions, the disco will now be held on Wednesday 20th July 2022.


Thank you

Canvey Fire Station Open Day 2022

Severe Hot Weather Letter - July 2022

Breakfast/After School Clubs - Wrap Around Care

Deanes Summer Sports Info

School photos from Vancols photography - don't forget that today is the last day for free delivery.

July letter from Mrs Dorrington

School dinners


We would like to remind you that it is your responsibility to order your child's school dinner from the Schoolgrid system.

You can order dinners for several weeks in advance, but should you change your mind and provide your child with a packed lunch, you must cancel the dinner from the Schoolgrid system.


Should you experience any problems, you can phone the support line at Schoolgrid on 01506 300310.


Kind Regards



Mrs C Kiln

Office Manager

Sports Day 2022

September 2022 - class arrangements

Father's Day - Gift & Wrap

June 2022 letter to parents

May letter from Mrs Dorrington

School dinners - 27.05.22

April letter to parents

Year 1 - Walk to the Church

Easter - Reception Year - Deanes Football Club

Easter - Deanes Sports Activities

PTA - Platinum Day - 25th June 2022

PTA - Mother's Day Gift & Wrap Days

Year 2 Sea Wall Trip


Year 2 pupils will now to doing their Sea Wall trip on Monday 21st March 2022. They should still wear their PE kit to school. The children will be walking to the sea wall - unless the weather is bad.


Thank you.

Offensive Language in the school playground

Year 2 - Virtual workshop for Essex Year of Reading

March letter from Mrs Dorrington

COVID-19 letter from Essex County Council

Nursery - Easter Stay & Play session

Year 2 - Walk to Canvey Seafront - Canvey Flood

Parent/Teacher Meetings in March 2022.


You can book your slot from 9.00am tomorrow - the meetings are straight after half term.


Thank you


Mrs C Kiln

Office Manager

February 2022 letter from Mrs Dorrington

Valentine's disco poster

COVID update letter from Essex County Council

January letter from Mrs Dorrington

School nurse drop-in sessions

Reception Year - height, weight & vision checks.

Santa Run for Fun


Monday 13th December 2021 - the children will be running/jogging/walking laps of the playground, to see if we can (collectively) run the distance to the North Pole. Children can bring in Santa hats or Christmas head gear to wear.


Thank you.

Covid-19 letter from Essex County Council

If your child would like to hand out Christmas cards to their friends, please send the cards in by Wednesday 15th December at the latest. Any cards handed in after this date will not be given out.


Thank you.

December 2021 letter from Mrs Dorrington

COVID-19 update letter - 17.11.21

Breakfast & After School Clubs

Parent Meeting information letter

November letter from Mrs Dorrington

Year 1 - Reptile letter

On line safety training fpr parents

Autumn half term letter from Mrs Dorrington

October letter from the Headteacher

Mrs Amanda Davies letter

Dolce Catering - food supply letter

Pebbles Nursery Welcome Letter

Reception year welcome letter

September 2021 - welcome back letter

Letter for Year 2 pupils - from the Junior school

Wraparound care letter from the Junior school

July update letter from Mrs Dorrington

Art Exhibition - Friday 2nd July 2021.

Reception pupils - 'Pirates & Mermaids' Day

End of Term Events 2021

Class photos - they will be taken on Wednesday 16th June 2021. Weather permitting - they will be taken outside. Fingers crossed.

June update letter from Mrs Dorrington

May update letter from Mrs Dorrington

Logo letter for new school name

April update letter from the Headteacher

PTA poster

March 2021 - letter from the Headteacher

eSafety workshop

Birthday party letter for Spring 2021 pupils

Letter re Opening Arrangements from Monday 8th March 2021

Letter re Nursery Build to Parents

Virtual clubs timetable from Deanes school (CPRSSP)

Letter re advice on pupil illnesses

January letter from Mrs Dorrington

Whole school remote learning letter

Critical workers and vulnerable children - letter

final letter of the year from the Headteacher

Whole school letter - COVID19

COVID19 - Contact tracing over the Christmas holiday period

Winter Fayre Price List

December 2020 - COVID update

Reception Year photo 2020

Virtual Phonics Workshop

Children in Need 2020 letter

Newsletter no 2 - Autumn 2020

Parent evenings - Autumn 2020

Joint letter with the Junior school about face masks

Virgin Care - Health checks for Reception & Year 1

Reception year information letter

Procedures from Mon 28th Sept for Rec pupils

Letter from police re social media

COVID 19 information - 23.09.20

Vacancy for Mid-day assistant

Harvest 2020

Letter from Mrs Dorrington - organisation details

Letter from Dolce catering

Mrs Matthews - final letter

All letters are sent home via email.  Should your contact details change, please contact the School Office and update them.  Thank you.

Latest Information re School Closure
