Please check the calendar for this year's welcome meetings for parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please check the calendar for this year's welcome meetings for parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please check the calendar for this year's welcome meetings for parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please check the calendar for this year's welcome meetings for parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please check the calendar for this year's welcome meetings for parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please check the calendar for this year's welcome meetings for parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please check the calendar for this year's welcome meetings for parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Canvey Island Infant School & Nursery

Learning is a journey, not a destination

General Information

Canvey Island Infant School and Nursery is excited to welcome you to our own school nursery! Our nursery is a purpose-built building which can accommodate up to 30 children at any one time. We are well-resourced and have a large enclosed garden area.

The nursery is a free-flow setting where children can access the inside and outside areas. There are many different areas to explore both inside and outside including:

  • Messy play area
  • Mud kitchen
  • Creative areas
  • Construction areas
  • Small world area
  • Reading area
  • Role play area including dressing up

During the summer term, the nursery children, who have a place in Reception at Canvey Island Infant School, will spend some time in the Reception classroom and garden to help with their transition into school.

Session Times

Morning session: 8:30am-11:30am

Lunch Club session: 11:30am-12:30pm

Afternoon session: 12:30pm-3:30pm


Lunch Club

For children who stay for Lunch Club, there is a fee of £3 for the adult supervision.

The children can either bring in a packed lunch or order a hot school dinner. For those who would like a hot school dinner you can order a meal and pay a fee of £2.20 via a bank transfer to the school.

They will eat their lunch in the main school hall supported by familiar nursery staff.

Things to bring to Nursery

  • A named bag with spare clothes including underwear/pull-ups (in the process of toilet training), wet wipes, socks and footwear.
  • Named wellies to be left in nursery
  • A named water bottle (plain water only)
  • A named lunchbox (if required)


Arriving at Nursery

At the start of each session, a member of staff will be on the door to greet the children and to take any messages from the parents/carers. The children will then walk in to the nursery room where there will be other members of staff to support the children to sort out their belongings (coats, bags, water bottles, lunchboxes) and to settle in for the session. The children will start their session by having some independent play time before a carpet session to formerly start the day/session.



Uniform is not compulsory in nursery, however if you choose for your child to wear it:


Girls’ Uniform

  • Grey/navy pinafore dress/skirt/trousers/tailored shorts/jogging bottoms
  • navy blue polo or t-shirt
  • navy jumper/cardigan/fleece
  • blue/white gingham dress (summer term)


Boys’ Uniform

  • Grey/navy tailored shorts/jogging bottoms
  • navy blue polo or t- shirt
  • navy sweatshirt/jumper/fleece.


Parents may purchase sweatshirts, navy polo and t-shirts featuring the school’s logo from Penn Sports in Kents Hill Road in Benfleet. You can also purchase water bottles, summer baseball caps, Bronx hats and drawstring bags with the school logo on too.



In the interest of health and safety, children are not allowed to wear jewellery, including watches and earrings, at any time in the nursery or school.


If you choose for your child not to wear uniform, please ensure they wear suitable clothing and shoes (NO LACES). Please be mindful that your child may come home messy (a sign of a good day!).


Please label all items of clothing with your child’s name.
